Music Lessons

music lessons at avon valley school

From September 2024, parents/carers will now have a choice of accessing Warwickshire Music Services and a number of independent peripatetic music teachers.  We hope that this will make instrumental and vocal lessons as accessible as possible. Both Warwickshire Music Services and the independent peripatetic music teachers offer individual lessons and group/shared lessons (where student uptake allows group lessons to take place).  We would however suggest that parents and carers consider individual lessons, especially when a student is of grade III standard and above.

Playing a musical instrument or learning to sing is great fun and helps children to develop self-discipline and confidence. Mastering an instrument can enhance educational attainment and creativity and gives children a sense of achievement, it also has positive benefits on their health and wellbeing.

We hope that offering these two services will provide greater choice and opportunities for all students at AVS, and maximise the number of students who access extra-curricular music opportunities.


warwickshire music services

If you would like to access the services available from Warwickshire Music Services, you will need to enrol on the Warwickshire Music online portal by clicking here 

Once on the portal, please click 'In School Tuition - DPB' and from there you will be able to choose your school, instrument and lesson duration.

independent peripatetic teachers

If you would like to access the services available from the independent peripatetic teachers for September 2024, you can do this by clicking here and completing their sign up form.

Pupil Premium

Student in receipt of Pupil Premium will be allowed to use the money to fund part of the lessons.

GCSE Music Subsidy

In response to the changing demands of all the new GCSE music syllabuses, students studying for GCSE music in Key Stage IV will be in receipt of a 50% discount from the cost of instrumental or vocal lessons. (Students studying for a GCSE in music are now
expected to reach at least a grade 3/4 standard in performance to meet the demands of the new specifications).

Graded examinations

There are various examination boards offering graded examinations for students. They are designed to motivate instrumental and singing students of all ages and a wide range of abilities. Most have 8 grades available, Grades 1 to 8 and provide:

  • progressive goals to aim for
  • recognition for achievement
  • carefully structured syllabus requirements
  • one-to-one assessment by an expert professional
  • an objective guide to a candidate's skills and progress

Should a student decide to enter for a graded examination the cost will be in addition to the cost of lessons in school including the cost of an accompanist.

Instruments & Hire of Instruments

We do hold a variety of instruments which are available to hire if required (subject to availability and agreement). There are also Drums, Pianos, Stage Pianos and Guitars which are free to use for students taking lessons on these instruments.


For further details please contact us on 01788 542 355 Or via email on:

Elisa Wheatley — Faculty Leader of Performing Arts

Mr Jake Collins — Subject Leader of Music